As our purpose is to get YOU moving and improving all aspects of your life, you will find below the service which will help you achieving that!!!

Getting started?
     Intro session
     Dianetics Auditing

Moving up the Bridge?
     Scientology Drug Rundown
     ARC Straightwire Expanded
     Happiness Rundown
     Grades from I to IV
     New Era Dianetics Rundowns

Need a special action or rundown?
     Potential Trouble Source Rundown
     Interiorization Rundown
     False Purpose Rundown
     Various list to debug any cases
     Second dynamic counselling

Want to improve some conditions in some dynamics?
     Wordclearing on ethics, the conditions formula and the dynamics
     Exchange by dynamics
     Condition by dynamics
     Assistance to apply the conditions formulas

Need some help applying the tech or moving in your study?
     All methods of wordclearing
     Method 1

Need some assist processes?
     We can deliver any Scientology assist process